
The signup is simple and takes very little information from the user and fetches most of the information from Facebook or Gmail. The login is a simple process too and these views are shown only when the user actually reaches a stage in the app where they need authentication like crreating or joining an event or posting something on the event feed.


The dashboard has been made minimal and uses image tiles to convey the categories efficiently. The algorithm brings the relevant categories on top which the user frequents the most and has the others on the bottom. The tiles are based on a grid system which allow fluidity across devices.


Creating events is a simple form which makes it quick and easy and joining events is as easy as doing a double tap on the event you like. Single tapping on an event opens the event details and you can then swipe left and right to see more of the list rather than having to go back to the list view.

Crafted with by Rishabh Aggarwal